Stephanie Chai

Stephanie is an Executive Director at Affirma Capital and she is based in Singapore. Prior to joining Affirma Capital, Stephanie was a Director at Standard Chartered Private Equity and has more than 12 years of experience in the Private Equity sector and was responsible for managing the fund structures such as Marina IV, Marina V Holdings and Augusta. Her current role broadly includes investor relations, tax structuring and reporting. In addition to her role in fund management, Stephanie will also be leading the Finance function in Affirma Capital group and this broadly includes group financial, statutory and regulatory reporting.

Prior to joining SCB, Stephanie invested her career specializing in fund management with other asset management and venture capital houses such as Oaktree Capital Management and NM Rothschilds. In the years, she has also worked in the family office of Forbes listed billionaire, Richard F. Chandler. A key milestone in her career includes an M&A transition undertaken by Oaktree Capital Management that required her to set up an offshore office in Amsterdam that reports directly to their head office in Los Angeles.

Stephanie holds a FCA and graduated from Curtin University in Western Australia with a BSc in Accounting and Information Systems.

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