Cindy Wang

Cindy Wang is a Managing Director at Affirma Capital. She is based in Hong Kong.

Prior to Affirma Capital, Cindy was Director and long standing core member of Standard Chartered Private Equity. She has over 10 years of experience in private equity investment and financial consulting. At that capacity, Cindy had developed an in-depth knowledge of the Chinese economy, key industries, and extensive investment experience. Since joining SCPE in 2009, she participated and led a number of investment and portfolio management initiatives across a variety of industries including financial service, consumer products and retail, logistics, agriculture and manufacturing, and many of those investments have been exited through public listing and trade sales at attractive returns.

During the years between 2016 and 2017, Cindy also worked for China Cinda AMC and joined the efforts in building up its regional private equity platform and managing the investment activities. Prior to joining SCPE, she has worked at Deloitte TTL specializing in corporate finance consulting.

Cindy holds a Bachelor degree from the University of International Business and Economics.

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